Kicking A Lion

…hear us roar

Posts Tagged ‘church

ASA placed church on trial over homophobic ad, claims clergyman

Belfast:  The Minister of the Sandown Free Presbyterian Church has accused the Advertising Standards Authority of putting the church on trial after it found it had breached advertising codes for an ad it placed in a local newspaper earlier this year.


In August the Belfast Telegraph reported that several complaints had been lodged with the watchdog about a full page 540-word ad which had been placed by the church in the News Letter the day before the annual Gay Pride Parade.

The ad described homosexuality as an abomination, defined homosexuals as perverts and called on religious followers to maintain a very public stance against the gay community in defiance of the parade which it claimed celebrated a “profitable lifestyle”.

The ad appeared on Friday, August 1, following months of controversy surrounding comments made by DUP MP Iris Robinson. The ASA said it received seven complaints from individuals who thought the advertisement was homophobic and was likely to provoke hatred and violence against the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Following a four month investigation, the body concluded that the advertisement was indeed homophobic and therefore breached clause 5.1 of the CAP Code (decency). However, it said the advertisement was unlikely to provoke hatred or violence.

It has ordered that the ad not appear in its current form again and requested the church seek advice or approval from the body before publishing any other ads of that nature.

The Rev David McIlveen said that while he was pleased the ASA had upheld the church’s position that it did not promote hatred or violence he disputed it breached the decency clause. He argued that the church had the right to print the ad because someone had displayed a placard saying Jesus was a homosexual at last year’s Gay Pride parade.

“They treated this as a trial,” he told the Belfast Telegraph last night. “In an effort to show that we have breached that code they highlighted the text we used from Leviticus Ch 18 v 22. Our determination from that is that you can not quote scripture because it is deemed as offensive. Well, we see this as a serious offence.”

Mr McIlveen also defended the language used in the ad saying that people in Northern Ireland would be “familiar” with it in light of the long-running radio debate over the summer. He also questioned the ASA’s credibility, arguing that seven complaints did not mean a majority of readers.

A spokeswoman from the ASA defended its decision saying that the body only needs one complaint to launch an investigation and can make a ruling based on this one complaint. She said this was to prevent further offence if the ad had deemed to be offensive.

By Emily Moulton

Written by kickingalion

December 3, 2008 at 12:37 am

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Making Blanket Statements

We are angry at fellow Californians, and we feel betrayed by Churches.  Still, it being World AIDS Day (today), we thought we should focus on remembering friends and loved ones lost to the terrible disease.  We pulled our thoughts together and stepped foot in a church, where the AIDS Quilt display is being held.

Instead of frustration, we felt such peace in the small Lutheran church, and the pastor showed us the 4 panels of the quilt, stating that this was the second year that they had held the honor of displaying the memorial.  He spoke softly and we felt the tensions go from us.  He spent time with us, letting us vent our feelings.  This is a true pastor with a true heart.

Let us not lump together all churches into one evil thing that is out to destroy the GLBT Community.  Instead, be thankful that so many churches welcome us; the ones who understand true Christianity, and those with who we can be ourselves.

If you’re in the area, Hollywood Lutheran is one of those places.  They even perform Gay Weddings, so visit to arrange your special day.

Written by kickingalion

December 1, 2008 at 11:46 pm

Kicking A Lion

The Time Is Now


We have seen what can happen when a band of people join together. We have seen people rise up from being suppressed. We have seen people go against social oppression. One woman in 1955 refused to give up her seat on a bus, and now in 2008 a Black President has been elected. We have seen a group of people persevere due to hope. With hope and persistence, we too can educate people and change society.

They have kicked a lion, now hear us roar.

Demand respect. In California on election day 2008 a 63% majority passed Proposition 2 which, “creates a new state statute that prohibits the confinement of farm animals in a manner that does not allow them to turn around freely, lie down, stand up, and fully extend their limbs”. Yet, on the same day, 52% of the voters stripped us of basic human rights; the right to marry someone we live.

Are we humans, or are we chickens?

We have a proud history. In 1969 a group of strong people refused to quietly be arrested for simply enjoying themselves at a small bar called Stonewall. This began the gay rights movement, and it is now our responsibility to carry the torch they lit. They refused to be bullied, and it is our obligation to look back to Stonewall and gather our forces together to begin demanding Equality in every aspect of our lives.

Nineteen of our United States lack basic hate crimes laws to protect the GLBT community. Many more states lack laws that protect the GLBT community from discrimination in housing and employment. To be treated with true Equality, this must change. And we must be the force to change it.

What you can do to help:

1) Get educated. Know the political issues facing our Community. Good information is available at: The Task ForceGay Life, Lambda, or your local GLBT Community Center. Then, educate others.

2) Get Out! Be out to everyone. It’s hard to hate someone with a face. Believe me, I know telling the folks isn’t easy. I refer to my Coming Out Day as the “Day Dad Put His Foot Through The TV”. PFLAG has resources to help.

3) Get involved. Volunteer your time and/or donate money. HRC is a good place to start.

4) Get vocal. Don’t allow people at work, or in clubs and groups to make gay slurs or “jokes”.

5) Write to your elected officials voicing your concerns over your rights.

How to support Gay Marriage
1) Donate to

2) Join a march.

3) Write a letter to President Obama reminding him of who helped him get elected and that he needs to take our fight to the national level.

4) Sign the petition on this link:

5) Boycott straight weddings.

6) Order a “Can I Vote On Your Marriage?” bumper sticker from:

We were defeated once. But we will never give up the fight! The Mormon Church funneled $15 million dollars into the Yes on Prop 8 campaign. They forced us to make this Call To Arms. Fight back. Write letters to their church leaders expressing your frustration at their ignorance. And, support the grass roots movement to strip the Mormon Church of their tax-exemption. MormonsStoleOurRights.

We have a chance. The time is now. Make a difference. Make a change. Demand your rights!